Oral, Dental, Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

• Impacted Teeth
•Apical Resection
•Preprosthetic Surgery
Reasons for Extraction of Biopsy Teeth
Teeth that are too damaged to have fillings or prostheses
•Acutely or chronically inflamed teeth where root canal treatment cannot be performed
•Teeth with periodontal (gum) disease, where the teeth lose their bone support excessively
•Teeth that do not respond to apical resection (surgically cutting off the root tip of teeth with inflammation at the root tip)
•Roots stuck in the mouth that do not have any function
•Teeth requiring extraction in orthodontic treatment (braces treatment)
•Persistent milk teeth that do not fall out at the normal time while permanent teeth are present
•Supernumerary (extra) teeth
•Teeth connected to the sinus causing maxillary sinus infection
•Teeth that will cause focal infection (microorganisms from the infection focus, that is, the tooth, causing infection in other organs and tissues via blood or lymph)


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